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From the CESMACH Cooperative in the Chiapas region, this coffee is rich with chocolate, toffee, and almond flavors. A light citric acidity and herbal aftertaste make this a delightful morning cup.

CESMACH has nearly 500 active members, and is managed by Sixto Bonilla. Sixto is very quality-focused and driven to empower his cooperative community with the tools and resources to produce better quality.

The farms of both CESMACH are located in the buffer zone of El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, which is in the highlands of the Sierra Madre. it is one of the most diverse forest reserve areas in the world and contains Mesoamerica’s largest cloud forest, as well as a protected natural environment for thousands of plant and animal species. All of the coffee produced here is shade-grown.

Fair Trade/Organic


12 oz, 5 lb


Whole Bean